In the safety for which they long…

“Because the poor are plundered, because the needy groan,
    I will now arise,” says the Lord;
    “I will place him in the safety for which he longs.”

front.back of AH
Progress on the house as of 10/27/17  (top–front, bottom–back)

Have you ever felt unsafe?  What does it mean to you to be safe…to know your life is not constantly in danger?

At Abba’s House we seek to provide a season of safety, healing, and stability that propels our guests forward to becoming productive members of society. We seek to meet their physical needs, model basic life skills, and make progress toward dealing with the trauma they have experienced. Most importantly, we seek for them to encounter the love of Jesus through His people and the rhythms of life at Abba’s House.

So much has happened since our last blog post that we felt it was time for an update.  God has overwhelmed us with His provision in the people He has drawn together for the Ministry Team, with the Financial Partners He has brought on board, and through the donated items and professional services for construction.  Utterly amazing!

Click here to see who is contributing to the construction of Abba’s House!

As you can see in the above photo, construction is going extremely well.  Our hope and prayer (please join us in that prayer!) is the home will be ready end of December/beginning of January.  The goal is to welcome our first family in February 2018.  God is more than enough, and He is able!

The team that is working hard to prepare for these women and children astounds us with their varied backgrounds, experiences, and passions.  God has built a team that we could never have imagined, and we would love to introduce them to you!

Michael Meissner — Executive Director and House Leader

Paul Morrisett — Board President and Builder

Lisa Henney — Board Treasurer and Finances

Cindy Wu — Board Secretary and Tech Support

Julie Meissner — Ministry Director and House Leader

Rolanda Williams — Teams Director and Team Development

Leslie Sjurseth — Program Director and Volunteer  Coordinator

Ericka Grappe — Education Director and ESL Coordinator

Angie Trevino — Health & Wellness Coordinator

Wendy Lemmons — Respite Coordinator and Prayer Ministry

Mary — Donations Coordinator (not pictured)

Heather Pedoto — Artisan Coordinator

Tracie Pace — Web Development

David Wu — Tech Support and Development

Kristen Morrisett — Interior Design and Needs Coordinator

To read board and team bios, click here (board) and here (team).

We look to have our first visiting team come during Spring Break in March 2018 to help us with some campus projects and work with our guests.  Even now, we have been planting the community garden and are excited to grow and harvest our first crops!

community garden fall 17
Rolanda, Courtney, and Joshua help Michael plant the first crops

Want to know more or be part of what God is doing at Abba’s House?

Contact us at  The fun has just begun.

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