A Longer Walk

Refugee families typically stay at Abba’s House for two months. At the end of their time with us, they go back under the care of the refugee agency and are usually resettled 45 minutes away from here in SW Houston where they get an apartment, find a job, begin school, etc. The two months spent with the Abba’s House extended family has prepared them for a more successful launch than they would have otherwise had.

The unique challenges of our most recent family from Turkey caused us to rethink this transition. The mom (Z____) does not speak any English, has never had the chance to go to school, she cannot read or write, is not able to drive, and came from a culture where women rarely work outside the home. Plus, she had four children that would be under her sole care. The challenges were many, the chance of failure very real, and we felt convicted that they needed to stay closer to the Abba’s House community where we could walk alongside them for a longer period of time.

So, at one of our community dinners we saw God at work to make that happen. One of our key church partners, Community of Faith, offered Z_____ a job on their facilities/cleaning crew. A generous donation was given to make it affordable for them to get into a small rental home within walking distance of her work place. Other volunteers stepped up to get the kids enrolled in local schools, attend to some medical needs, furnish the house, set up utilities, and much more. It was a Herculean effort (still ongoing), but we did it! This beautiful family of 5 is now employed, in school, and set up in a humble but cozy home that will allow us to remain closely connected to them for many months to come as they continue their journey here in the United States.

Thank you to all who worked so hard to make this happen. And thank you to those who will continue to care for them, befriend them, and walk alongside them as they adjust to life here in the United States. You are truly the hands and feet of Jesus, responding to His invitation to welcome and love the foreigner in our midst.

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