
Our Mission

be a safe community of healing for refugee women and their children, restoring their dignity as ones created in God’s image by caring for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Our Vision

ignite the body of Christ to join Jesus’ compassion for the most vulnerable among us, welcoming the displaced from other nations into the safety of the Father’s heart.

Our Reason


(Mt. 25:35-40Isa. 58:6-12, Ja. 1:27, & Lev. 19:33-34)


Our core values

unhurried simplicity, unplugged rhythms, life-giving hospitality.

Our Goal

At Abba’s House we seek to provide a season of safety, healing, and stability that propels our guests forward to becoming productive members of society. We seek to meet their physical needs, model basic life skills, and make progress toward dealing with the trauma they have experienced. Most importantly, we seek for them to encounter the love of Jesus through His people and the rhythms of life at Abba’s House.