Current Needs

Help in our garden or greenhouse  

Have a green thumb? Or, a desire to learn? We always need willing bodies to help with planting, weeding, and tending to our large garden. Ideal is somebody who can volunteer a couple of hours a week on a regular basis, or small groups that can schedule a specific workday to come out and serve.

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Please go to our giving page to give a one-time or recurring online donation.

Grocery store gift cards are also a huge help!

See the Master Campus Plan for details.

Abba’s House, our cabin, and the entire campus was built by GOD through the love & generosity of MANY people.  We especially want to thank the professionals and vendors who gave of their time, labor, and products, either at greatly reduced cost or no cost at all, quite often upgrading their products and supplies to those far above our budget.  To all of you men and women:  THANK YOU!!  You have blessed this work beyond what we ever hoped or imagined! “Well done, good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.  Enter into the joy of your Master.”  ~Matthew 25:23